
Annette Hegel

Annette Hegel is a multi-media artist who has exhibited her work in Canada and in Europe. Working out of her studio in downtown Ottawa, she is a founding member of Slipstream Collective, and nurtures collaborations with many artists in many places.

Annette's multi-disciplinary work comes from a place emphasising social-critical art culture. Political themes are at its centre, addressing local as well as meta-national conditions. Her work raises issues within a civil society to challenge the “isms” and all their inhumane expressions.

She lives and works in Ottawa on the traditional unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Anishinābe Aki.


upcoming exhibits

home/miich at Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, May 7 to June 15, 2019

by the bee (wit Deborah Margo) at City Hall Gallery, July 17 - Sept. 29, 2019